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Student-Parent Reunification

Student-parent the event of an emergency

There are a wide variety of emergency situations that might require student-parent reunification, some may be slow in developing while others will have a much quicker onset.  While we at School District Re-3 strive to prevent anything from happening to our students, unfortunately, there are things that occur that are beyond our control.  During an emergency there tends to be a lot of intense emotions.  The purpose of sharing this information is not to raise anxiety, but to help parents and community be prepared, should an emergency situation arise that would warrant the evacuation and/or closing of the school district or a specific school early.

The District’s or school’s response will depend on what the nature of the emergency situation. 

In an emergency situation, we ask the following:

  • Remain calm.
  • Do not call or go to your child's school, unless asked to do so.
  • Tune in to KFTM (AM 1400) or KSIR (FM 106.3) or check the District’s web site for emergency information and updates, including dismissal status and location of where to pick up your student (if appropriate).

If students needed to be evacuated from the school they attend, they will be taken to a safe location, called a reunification site.  Again, we ask that you remain calm and tune into local radio stations for updates and pick up locations.  In these types of situations additional security measures will be taken which may be time consuming.  We ask your patience as we go through the process of reuniting you with your student.   Anyone picking up a student will also be asked to show a photo ID.  Only those individuals listed as parents/guardians or are on a student’s emergency contact list will be permitted to pick up a student, therefore it is very important to keep this information as current as possible.  Please notify your student’s school if you have a change of address, phone number, family status, or different emergency contacts.