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Culturally Linguistically Diverse Education

Shelly Ocanas

Phone Numbers:
School: 970-370-6137

Martha Silerio

Phone Numbers:
School: 970-370-6134

Parent/Guardian Rights

Parent/Guardian Rights

The Fort Morgan School District provides free language assistance for any parent/guardian who requests support in speaking, reading, writing, or comprehending English. Parent Rights Statement (English)

Derechos de los Padres/Tutores

El Distrito Escolar de Morgan provee asistencia gratuita en lenguajes para los padres/tutores quienes necesitan ayuda para habla, leer, escribir o comprender el idioma Ingles. Derechos de Los Padres - (Español)

Xuquuqda Waalidka/Mas'uulka

Dugsiga Degmada Fort Morgan wuxuu siiyaa  caawimaad xagga luqadda ah lacag la'aan waalid kasta/mas'uul kasta oo codsada taageero ku hadalka, aqrinta, qorista, ama fahamka Ingiriiska. Parent Rights Statement (Q'anjobal)

Colorado Law

On December 10, 2009 the Colorado State Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt the World-Class Instruction Design and Assessment (WIDA) standards as the Colorado English Language Proficiency (CELP) standards. English Language Proficiency standards are required by Colorado state and federal law.These Proficiency standards guide educators who teach ELLs and help students' access grade level academic content while learning English.

CELP Standards for Kindergarten through Grade 12 are:

1. ELLs communicate for Social and Instructional purposes with the school setting.

2. ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts.

3. ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Mathematics.

4. ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Science.

5. ELLs communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Social Studies.