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Parent Links

Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented (CAGT)

CAGT's website shares information about local events in the state of Colorado. You can also find information about Parent Affiliate groups and other advocacy opportunities. 

CDE GT Parent's Corner

Click here to learn about your child's ALP, laws and regulations, and various resources to support you and your gifted child. 

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research. 

SENG: Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted

This SENG website is dedicated to all things social and emotional in relation to gifted students. 

CAGT Facebook Page

Follow this page for articles, blogs, and tips on raising and advocating for gifted and twice exceptional individuals. 

Giftedness Knows No Boundaries--NAGC

Join the National Association for Gifted Children in the movement to SEEUNDERSTANDTEACH, and CHALLENGE gifted and talented children from all backgrounds as they reach for their personal best.

This calendar is a great resource for parents of twice-exceptional students. Listen to webinars, join Facebook chats, and learn more about how to advocate for your childs unique needs. 

Davidson Institute Database

This searchable database houses resources and articles for and about gifted students. 

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page

The "all things gifted" page for parents, educators, and kids. This site also hosts a monthly "blog hop" with a new featured topic each month. Blogs are archived for easy reference.