Records Request
Requesting Special Education Records
To request a student's special education or 504 records, please contact Mandy Yearous.
Notice of Intent to Destroy Special Educational Records
Per Morgan County School District RE-3 policy, special education records are retained for five (5) years after special education services have ended for a student. Special education services end when a student is no longer eligible for services, graduates from the district, completes his/hers educational program at age 21 or moves from the district. This notice is to inform parents, guardians, and former students of the district’s intent to destroy special education records of students whose services ended on or before June 30, 2018. These records are no longer needed to provide educational services and thus, they will be destroyed by shredding on May 1, 2024. You have the right to review or obtain the records prior to their destruction. If you wish to review or pick up the records, you may do so by contacting the Special Services Department at 970 867 5633 no later than the close of business on April 19th , 2024. Published on the Morgan County School District Website and Facebook page.