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Black Morgan County School District Tree Logo

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Clint Crose

Titles: Director of Transportation
Phone Numbers:
School: 970.370.6463

Rhonda Hamburg

Titles: Transportation Assistant
Phone Numbers:
School: 970-370-6462

Parents requesting transportation to/from school for their child/ren must be registered prior to riding the bus. The form is available for download on this page and is also available at the schools and the Transportation Department. The form must be completed and provided to the Transportation Department prior to riding the bus.  Once the application is received, your child/ren will be assigned to the appropriate bus route. Please note that it can take up to 72 hours (three (3) business days) to complete this process. The parent/guardian will be contacted with the bus stop information and times as soon as they are available.


Any stop that a child does not use for a period of three days or more will be placed on will-call status.  The parent/guardian will need to contact the Transportation Department to reactivate that stop.  Additionally, stop(s) may be moved to a new location based on the needs of the school bus route. Parents/Guardians will be notified of the location and/or time changes if this occurs.