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2024-2025 School Registration

Welcome to online enrollment with Morgan County School District! Easily complete registration at your convenience, updating school records automatically. Find a user guide on the left for step-by-step instructions. For assistance, contact the District Support Center at 970-867-5633 or email Data Services at If you need in-person assistance, you can visit Green Acres Elementary School on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, or Baker Elementary School on Thursdays from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM, between June 18th and July 26th.

Existing Families: Annual Update

Families with students currently attending in our district, please access the Campus Parent Portal to complete the Annual Family Check-In Process.  You will be able to add new students if needed under the Student Section. If you have issues logging in please contact the District Support Center at 970-867-5633 or email Data Services at

A button you can click to access Infinite Campus Parent Portal

New Student Enrollment: PreK to 12th grade

If you haven't previously registered a child with the Morgan County School District, kindly complete the registration form provided below. This is designed specifically for families who are new to the district. If you're registering a new child but already have children enrolled, please utilize the Infinite Campus link provided above.

A red button you can click to access new student registration

New students enrolling into this district need the following documentation:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Record - Please read the new Immunization Requirements from the State of Colorado for all students.
  • Previous school name, city and state information (phone and address if possible)

Preschool Registration

After registering with UPK please register with our district. If you have never enrolled a child with our district please complete the new enrollment registration. If you have existing kids within our district please log in to Campus Portal to add your child under the student section.